It's been a very unusual year so far. We've lost a lot of good friends since the beginning of the year. Some of the groups we've worked with the longest, guys who were in their 60s when we started this business, and who are still in their 60s in my mind, are now in their 80s! It's sad that losing friends is a part of working with this age group, but it sure seems like we've lost an extra-ordinary number since January. 'Course, they're all extra-ordinary people!
But we seem to be balancing it out by picking up some new, younger groups. We've added more new groups in the last few months than we have in years. It's really a lot of fun to call up someone we've found, and ask them if they were in the Navy, and if so, on the USS - whatever - or in an Army unit, and tell them someone gave us their name and asked us to see if we could find them and add them to the mailing list for a brand new reunion. That is one of my favorite "tasks" involved in setting up a reunion.
Well, as I was writing this, we got another really nice treat! Someone in Colorado Springs just sent us flowers. I'll have to track down our CS contacts, because the card just says Colorado Springs loves military reunions, but there's no name! We appreciate it, and we love Colorado Springs! It's a fabulous place for a reunion!
Well, that's what's going on this week at ML&RS, Inc! I hope you have a good rest of the week!