Monday, January 2, 2012

REALLY big news! REALLY!

If you've tried to call our office in the last two weeks, you're probably aware that something's going on around here!  Since this is normally a very slow two weeks, chances are you haven't tried to call, and you don't know something is underfoot!  But either way, it's time to spill the beans!

Effective on January 2, 2012 Military Locator & Reunion Service has been sold!  The new company, Premier Reunion Services, LLC has purchased all the assets of ML&RS, Inc, including the company name, all the contact methods, the web site, and the physical assets.  Our reunion customers and our vendor contacts will most likely not notice the change.  We'll still use the same name, for the first year or so, then gradually change over to Premier Reunion Services, LLC.  But other than that, you will still receive the same great service you always have from us!  Our staff will remain the same, as will our phone number, web address and mailing address.  Our street address has changed, so if you decide to stop by for a visit, please call first so we can tell you how to get here!  If you want to send us flowers or chocolate just 'cause you like us, we'll be happy to give you the new street address too!

As you might imagine, our "on site staff" thoroughly enjoy traveling all over the US to manage our reunions.  One reunion a month is a lot of fun, two is still fun.  Eight reunions in eight that can tucker one out!  Larry and Brenda have decided it's time to scale back, so they are in the process of retiring.  They will still be traveling to reunion locations to manage reunions, but they are out of the management end of the business.  I (Dina) am their daughter and I have started Premier Reunion Services and will be continuing the business as seamlessly as possible.  Our goal is that our customers won't really notice a change.

If you're in Hickory, still feel free to stop by and say hello!  We're in a new location, but we still love to see our reunion folks when you are passing through NC!

Of course, I can't post a blog without a few pictures!  We moved from our old office to a much smaller location.  It took some doing, but we're all in our spots now, snug as a bug in a rug!

First day, moving in.  Whew.

First day, different angle.

Second day.  We did good!  This is where Karen, our newsletter editor does her work!

This is where Elaine, our Memory Book editor, works.

And this is looking down the room, Karen and Elaine are just behind the filing cabinet and book shelf, Lynette and I are in the two back corners.  It's been a great money saving venture to change our location and outsource our printing jobs.  We're very happy with the results!